This morning Caroline saw the snow out the window and asked me if we could put up our Christmas tree and make some Easter eggs. That would be an improvement on our decor, I just am barely putting up Halloween. Yes, I am that kind of mom.
After the request for the tree and eggs, Eli woke up and Caroline grabbed him by the shoulders, took him over to the window and showed him the very special snow. She is very sincere and thinks everything is something spectacular. She followed the show up with the important statement, "This means Santa will be here ANY MINUTE!!!" Then she put on her rain boots and snow coat so that she could go out and make snowballs.
I can see the seasonal confusion. Last week we were in sundresses. This is us playing in the backyard. Joey loves the little tyke cars we have in the back. Here he is under attack from Carozilla.
Here Caroline is singing me a song about gardening gloves. Who are these people that can take their own picture and actually look good?
The blur? We are now under attack from Joezilla. Remember how I mentioned that he loves to sit on me and wrestle?
Time is such a hard concept for kids to grasp especially when the weather is so crazy. I hate snow, but I loved all the pictures of your adorable kids. What a cute sister to be so excited to share the magic with E.
yes. i too was woken up to the loud and early excitment that it was snowing.
i burrowed back into my bed for fear that when i opened my eyes, that i would actually see that it was true.
my life shuts down during the 6 months of winter. i love christmas but strongly dislike the snow and the cold. i know. boo hoo bah humbug :(
"yeah, can we go out and make some snow horses?" said my kindra.
oh no. here we go again. i swear i'm moving!!! hehehe
ps let it be known that i was one of your blog stalkers when you were linked through a's but now that she is calling it quits, i feel like i should come clean :)
My kids were dying over the snow, too, and like a fool, I fall for it every year. "Yay, snow!" and then a month later all I can say is, "I hate the snow. Where's Spring?"
I love the cooler temps, and your pics make me want to roll around on the grass with my kids. Better get Brandon out there to clean the dog poops.
Seasonal confusion...for sure! I love one good snow storm, a snowman or two and then am ready for spring and summer. I love what she said about Santa...too cute!!!
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