Monday, December 10, 2007

Things I am eyeing this week

A great way to see what is on Etsy is to go to the Treasury. It is a section that allows Etsians, whether buyers or sellers (usually both) choose and feature 12 of their own favorites, or something to this effect. It is a great way to navigate through the many that are etsy. So this week, I am choosing items from random treasuries, ones that caught my eye.

I love birds. And I love wool felt. So I saw this and of course loved it. This hand sewn bird by Kimmy Made is bright and colorful. The artist is a SAHM who just discovered that she loves hand sewing. I love to support stay at home moms. I think being a mom is the hardest thing in the world and the most rewarding, and having a creative outlet is a bonus.

This picture is me. Yes, I live where the snow is the greatest on Earth. Yes, I live near the mountains. I hate to ski. I do like to snowboard, I learned in college (thanks Tommy) but I haven't for a long time. And I hate to be cold. Really. So, I wish I had a red, six button coat, but this would be a portrait of me if I did. Reading the artist's profile, she seems very whimsical and lovely. I love her portrayals. She is quite talented, Hide n Seek.

I recently did a boutique and met this artist, Sarah Jane, who was there also. She is delightful. So nice. And I like her work, so win all around. This picture reminds me of Girly and any one of her girlfriends. Girly would were dress ups all day long if she could. So would I if it meant I didn't have to clean the bathrooms (I wouldn't dress up like a maid or a house mom that cleans bathrooms). Of course, look at all her creations, they would look great in any play room, nursery or bedroom. Any place, really. I will have to get it after the mad holiday rush is over and I can enjoy the process of buying, receiving in the mail and framing. Hold me to it.

It is only appropriate to include something Christmas-y. So here is a self-proclaimed Merry Christmas shout out from Pressa Russa. Very talented letterpress artist. Great cards in her store.

OH! I love these hats! She makes hats, I want to wear these hats. Where could I wear them? To volunteer at Kindergarten? To the store? I don't know, but these make me smile. Mission accomplished lady of Kankalin Hats.

I love this artist. I just found her today from someone's treasury. I loved reading her profile. She really is in love with her art. I am too. I would put this print over my kitchen sink, so I could look at it a lot. It is full of love. Well done Cathy Nicols .

There are lots more but I am tired and my feet are cold and I think I just heard our gate to our backyard open and shut so now I have cold feet and am a little freaked. I am going to wake D, tell him about the creepy gate noise and climb into my warm bed while he risks his life to see if someone is in our backyard.


JK said...

I don't have an email for you so sorry but I'm replying to you in your comments!
How funny is it seeing Francie as such a different character. Jack from Men In Trees was in a couple of GG episodes too. He was a cyclist when the bike race went through Stars Hollow!! GG infiltrates it should!
Hope there was no one at your back gate!!!

Paige said...

Whit, I love when you find cute things for me. I want to be like you...Can you give me a crafting lesson over christmas? I need a new project.