I may have posted pictures before of Caroline's amazing ability to pop up in a head-stand at any time, but it is a 100 times a day occurrence ever since we read some book about Angelina Ballerina not bei
ng able to do a headstand. Caroline started working on it and now can do one without a second's hesitation. In church (well, primary) on Sunday I was organizing something at the back before we began and I look up front and all I see is some pointed toes in silver glitter shoes. Now before anyone thinks we are super Britney Spear's immodest, Caroline either has tights, leggings or bloomers on because all she wears is dresses. We cover our girl parts
here at this house!

Forget ballet...get that girl into gymnastics. She could be the next Nastia Liukin...or maybe Shawn Johnson with those power legs.
Speaking of Angelina...do you still have the set of books Reagan let Caroline borrow months ago. Riley was looking for them the other day. She probably would be Tumblina not Angelina.
This is amazing. We may need a demonstration.
INCREDIBLE...How old is this girl?? She would be in hard core gymnastic training classes in China by now! So cute and amazing!!
those pictures are hilarious. she is like one of those random people in the backgrounds just doing "THEIR POSE". so cute and so talented....
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